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Image by Becca Tapert
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Our Next Group Begins in JUNE

Hey There, Sister!

After spending one decade as a holistic health coach and two decades as a licensed nurse, I put my learning cap back on and focused my training on looking at the body as a whole with a functional and holistic approach. I spent months  specializing in women's hormones and gut health to help my clients learn how to get to the root of their chronic health complaints.


As a board certified holistic health coach AND Functional Diagnostic Practitioner, I have a deep understanding of how the body functions and the role that nutrition and lifestyle factors play especially as it relates to perimenopause and beyond.


My mission is to help empower women to take control of their hormone health and advocate for what will make them feel better, enjoy this season and live life well!





Our Next Group Begins in JUNE

You're In the Right Place If.....

Have you been surfing the internet or asking Dr google for solutions to your peri symptoms? Or maybe you have been trying to piece together the latest and greatest health hacks in hopes of moving the needle forward in your health journey? Have you been frustrated with just not feeling like yourself and wondering what’s going on?  Or maybe, you have already tried some hormone replacement therapy and still don’t feel 100%. Do you desire to be in the driver's seat of your health? 


If you have been searching for answers to your burning questions about menopause and how to get a handle on your symptoms, look no further. As women make the journey from regular menstrual cycles to their transition into menopause, life can be challenging, frustrating, and discouraging. Your body is constantly changing, your hormones are fluctuating before they actually plummet and it can hard to figure out which way is up!

Ladies, are you in your forties and beyond and struggling with symptoms that interfere with your daily life? Are you sick of all the:

  • Hot flashes, night sweats

  • Insomnia, sleep disruptions or feel tired but wired

  • Low Libido or lack of sexual desire

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

  • Depression, anxiety and mood swings

  • Joint Pain, muscle aches and fatigue

  • Digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation

  • Memory loss, brain fog or forgetfulness

  • Irregular, heavy or missed periods

"I can't believe how great I feel in just two weeks. My hunger and cravings have disappeared, I have lost 7 pounds and best of all, I don't feel restricted!"  - Alison


In my Empowered Hormone Solutions program, I want to help take the confusion out of perimenopause and menopause and help you take control of your health and reduce your symptoms. I was sick and tired of visiting my health practitioner and only being offered birth control and antidepressants for my symptoms and told everything I was experiencing was normal and just grin and bear it.


Contrary to popular belief, It IS POSSIBLE to actually flourish in this season of life but only if you have the knowledge, tools, resources and support to know how to care for your body in these changing times AND advocate for your health!


At the end of the 6 week program, you will:


  • Understand how to take care of your peri/menopausal body with specific and strategic lifestyle habits that can radically reduce your perimenopausal symptoms.

  • Know what questions to ask your health care practitioners and how to advocate for your personal health.

  • And walk away with a personal action plan based on your hormone lab results to continue your journey of healing and rebalance your hormones naturally. 

  • BHRT referrals are offered for clients who have completed the program and require rebalancing through physiologic repletion of hormones.


Girlfriend, you are worth every penny you invest into your health and then some. You are the glue that holds your family together and functioning properly. You need to be feeling healthy, strong, confident and empowered if you are going to give your best to the ones you love most.

Payment Plans Available For VIP Packages

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Our Next Group Begins in JUNE

6-Week Online Group Program

  • The Foundations to LiveWell program with 6 foundational pillars of wellness video modules, tools, resources, recipe guides, planners  and more)
  • Access to professional grade discounted supplements
  • 6 Weekly Group Coaching calls (replays available)
  • Unlimited Chat Access with Katie throughout the program & Private Support Group
  • Unlimited access to meal and lifestyle tracker in user friendly app
  • Access to functional lab testing after completion of program!

Group is Limited to 12 Ladies

Answers for your Questions!

Payment Plans Available

What's so special about the DUTCH  test?

Can I start anytime?

Am I too old or too young?

What if I want private coaching or more testing options? 

What happens after the program ends?

How is the DUTCH different than getting my blood checked?

The DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. It is a test you take at home over the course of one day and gives us a measurement of key hormones including cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone and their metabolites. We can see how your body is breakdown the hormones in a healthy or unhealthy way and helps us determine the best lifestyle and supplement strategies for you! This test can be added on at the completion of the program! 

The Empowered Hormone Solutions program is a GROUP coaching program offered at specific times throughout the year. If you are looking for a self paced program OR a personalized option that includes more coaching and more testing options (including GI Map) check out our services page for more info. Our next round of EHS begins JUNE 13th.

Great question! You're never too young or old to take control of your health. Joining while still in your 30's is a fantastic way to get prepared and set your body up to be the strongest it can be before there are hormonal declines. We also have women WELL into menopause who are still experiencing symptoms and want to learn how to take control of their health! 

Our VIP packages are the way to go if you are looking for more personalized coaching and testing options. Clients work with Katie for 6 months and have a variety of functional lab tests to choose from depending on their health goals. If you are interested in this option, book your complimentary discovery call to learn more!

I'm so glad you asked! Our Empowered Hormone Solutions program is JUST the beginning of your health journey. While you are likely to see a significant improvement in your health and hormone rebalancing, a total health transformation takes time and support. If you would like to continue to your journey there are several options offered to graduates of the EHS program including a low cost monthly membership option to stay connected and accountable or you can choose to upgrade to a VIP package to further your journey.

The DUTCH Complete is a comprehensive, state of the art dried urine test that looks at 35 different hormones and metabolites giving a more complete picture of hormone production (visit the website here for more detailed information).  The interaction between the stress and sex hormones is what makes this test so powerful – it’s the key to true hormone balance!  The best part? This convenient test is done in the comfort of your home with simple urine test strips, no blood draw required! This gives us a very different picture than the blood work your doctor may (or may not) do. We can use this information to develop a specific lifestyle strategy designed just for you!! 

  • Stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA and melatonin).  These hormones are all critical to blood sugar management, weight management, sleep, energy and more. It also provides a daily cortisol pattern giving key insights to energy and sleep issues.

  • Sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone). Levels and ratios between sex hormones affect our mood, metabolism, body composition, sexuality, PMS or menopausal symptoms and menstrual cycle fluctuations.

  • Detoxification patterns. This unique test allows us to learn about how estrogen is being detoxified, a critical factor for the prevention of breast and other estrogen based cancers, read more about it here. Testosterone breakdown is also assessed which is related to conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) as well as other unwanted symptoms.

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